What is the transition like from the k-12 classroom to working in k-12 sales and training for an ed tech company?


  • Self-Reflection and Goal Setting: Before embarking on a career transition, K-12 teachers should engage in self-reflection to identify their skills, strengths, passions, and career goals. They should assess their motivations for transitioning to a sales or training role in an EdTech company and define clear objectives for their career transition journey. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals can provide a roadmap for success and guide decision-making throughout the transition process.

  • Researching the EdTech Industry: To transition successfully into a sales or training position with an EdTech company, K-12 teachers should familiarize themselves with the landscape of the EdTech industry. This involves researching different EdTech companies, understanding their products, target markets, competitive advantages, and industry trends. By gaining insights into the needs, challenges, and opportunities within the EdTech sector, teachers can identify companies that align with their interests, values, and career objectives.

  • Networking and Building Connections: Networking plays a crucial role in facilitating career transitions, enabling K-12 teachers to connect with professionals in the EdTech industry, gain insights into job opportunities, and build relationships that can lead to potential job referrals or introductions. Teachers can leverage professional networking platforms such as LinkedIn, attend industry conferences, workshops, and networking events, join online communities or forums related to EdTech, and reach out to alumni, colleagues, or mentors for advice and support.

  • Developing Transferable Skills: While transitioning from teaching to a sales or training role in an EdTech company, K-12 teachers should identify and highlight their transferable skills that are relevant to the desired role. These may include communication skills, presentation skills, curriculum development, instructional design, project management, problem-solving, adaptability, and a deep understanding of educational technology tools and practices. Teachers can showcase their transferable skills through resumes, cover letters, and during job interviews to demonstrate their value to potential employers.

  • Seeking Professional Development Opportunities: To enhance their qualifications and competitiveness in the job market, K-12 teachers can pursue professional development opportunities related to sales, training, and EdTech. This may involve enrolling in courses, workshops, or certification programs focused on sales techniques, instructional design, adult learning theory, educational technology integration, software applications, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, or other relevant areas. By investing in continuous learning and skill development, teachers can position themselves as knowledgeable and capable candidates for sales or training roles in EdTech companies.

  • Gaining Sales Experience: Transitioning from teaching to a sales position in an EdTech company may require acquiring experience in sales or related fields. Teachers can explore opportunities to gain sales experience through part-time or freelance roles, internships, volunteer work, or by participating in sales training programs offered by professional organizations or industry associations. Building a track record of successful sales outcomes, cultivating relationships with customers, and developing an understanding of sales processes and strategies can strengthen teachers' qualifications for sales roles in the EdTech sector.

  • Showcasing Teaching Experience: While transitioning to a training position with an EdTech company, K-12 teachers can leverage their teaching experience as a valuable asset. They can highlight their expertise in instructional design, curriculum development, classroom management, student engagement, assessment, and educational technology integration to demonstrate their ability to effectively deliver training programs, workshops, or professional development sessions for educators, administrators, or corporate clients. Teachers can use concrete examples, case studies, and testimonials from their teaching experience to showcase their instructional expertise and impact on student learning.

  • Tailoring Application Materials: When applying for sales or training positions with EdTech companies, K-12 teachers should tailor their application materials, including resumes, cover letters, and portfolios, to highlight their relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. They should customize their application materials to align with the specific requirements and preferences of each prospective employer, emphasizing how their background in teaching uniquely qualifies them for the desired role. Teachers should use language that resonates with the EdTech industry, demonstrating their understanding of market dynamics, customer needs, and product value propositions.

  • Preparing for Interviews: As part of the job application process, K-12 teachers transitioning to sales or training roles in EdTech companies should prepare thoroughly for job interviews. This involves researching the company, familiarizing themselves with its products, target market, and competitive landscape, and anticipating common interview questions related to sales techniques, customer engagement, training methodologies, educational technology trends, and problem-solving scenarios. Teachers should articulate their passion for education, enthusiasm for leveraging technology to enhance learning outcomes, and readiness to contribute to the company's mission and goals.

  • Embracing Continuous Learning and Growth: Transitioning from teaching to a sales or training role with an EdTech company represents a new chapter in one's career journey. K-12 teachers should approach this transition with a growth mindset, embracing opportunities for continuous learning, professional development, and personal growth. They should seek feedback, learn from setbacks or challenges, adapt to new roles and responsibilities, and remain open to acquiring new skills, perspectives, and experiences that contribute to their success in the EdTech industry.

  • Maintaining Connections with Education Community: Although transitioning to a sales or training position with an EdTech company may involve stepping away from the traditional classroom setting, K-12 teachers can maintain connections with the education community and continue to make a positive impact on teaching and learning. They can stay engaged with fellow educators, participate in professional learning communities, share insights and resources, contribute to educational blogs or publications, and explore opportunities to collaborate with schools, districts, or educational organizations. By staying connected to the education community, teachers can leverage their expertise and experiences to advocate for effective technology integration, support educator professional development, and drive innovation in education.



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  • Johnson, S. M., & Kardos, S. M. (2020). Keeping Good Teachers. Harvard Education Press.
  • Louderback, J. (2019). Transformed: How to Make the Decisions That Change Your Life. North Loop Books.
  • Reardon, R. (2019). Interview Prep Playbook: Sales & Marketing Edition. Reardon Consulting.
  • Robbins, T. (2019). Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! Simon & Schuster.
  • Viscusi, G. S., & Naglieri, J. A. (2020). Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization's Talent--for Today and Tomorrow. Oxford University Press.


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